About Us

About our family and farm
Heidi Zimprich

About us: I am a work from home mom, do nails as well as we have a small working farm where we raise a portion of our food for us as well as the dogs. We have milk goats for a number of dairy related uses, milk, cheese, feeding the whey to the chickens and what ever else we can use it for. We all try to garden yearly to put foods up for the next year and what we do not grow, like peaches, apple, and pears, in the garden we get from local vendors. Canning everything from our chicken, goat, and rabbit to jams, apple sauces, stews and soups. literally 100’s of pounds of food. 

I have 6 children 3 grown with children of their own and 3 still at home, 2 of which have disablities that prevent me from working away from the house. I also have 2 wonderful step daughter who are very close to their father and we just adore them.      

Owning cockers since I was 18 years old, receiving my first one shortly after I saw Lady and the Tramp as my graduation gift from my Aunt and Uncle. Also having every color at least once if not twice, even taking on the taboo colors with a lot of backlash for it, and I still strive to produce top of the line quality Cocker Spaniels regardless. To me it is not about the color or how many you put out there it is 100% about the quality of the dog.

Thus our motto is

Quality over Quantity

Michael Baker

He came into our lives and we did our best to run him off yet he just wouldn’t have any part of it. He came in seeing it all but unsure of what he could offer. Well he fits in just perfect. Before ya knew it he was all about building the next thing I asked for. From the rabbit runs to goat enclosure and my all time favorite is the grooming shop that has a tankless wather heater, split air for cool in summers that reach 100 and heat in the winters that can be below 0 at times. It also has 2 indoor kennels each leading to their own 7×12 foot run. I can ask for his help with just about anything and he will do it. He is pretty amazing. 
