Females and Mama's
This page is just a simple page about each of our females. When you want to know more about one of the females just take a look here and you can see each one with a touch of their own info.
Females and Mama's

Whole Latta Carmella Kisses
She has won the heart of all of my clients and with a few she will even sit in their lap the whole time they are here.
Maddie is a Blue Roan and Tan
Oh this girl is something else. Maddie will just about jump anything that is out there. with her It is more of a if she want’s to stay in she will, yet if she does not look out. She is a small female about 18#. She does love to give anything that runs a good chase. No doubt she shows that strong hunting line that has been passed down from her mom. Her dam is our own Amelia and sire is Eli. She is a bit shy yet once out of her shell she is amazing!
Domesticlife Mad Maddison’s Year

Newest Star Ringing Timpani
AKA Willow
Willow was born June 1, 2019. She is brown and tan ACS and she came over from the Ukraine so she has both her UKU and AKC papers. She has had both allergy and DNA panel done. We did conformation classes and with Covid hitting all of that was put on hold. Although she is beautiful it is a little late for her to show now. She is fun and spunky and LOVES to think she can control the whole farm. I have to say she does charm her way into anyone’s lap that she wants to. She is a pretty small girl at a max weight of 18# on a good day after eating.
Miss Paisley is Solid Black Merle (taboo I know I know) is owned by Michael Baker my fiancé, she is out of Piper and Gibbs. She LOVES her dad like no other and lives every breath of every day to be near him. She accompanies him all over the farm and now to work. It doesn’t matter the weather she will sit in a sweater with a good blanket or in front of the fan long as she can be with her dad. She has a soft heart and seems shy but really is not she is just waiting for her dad to say it is ok. All who meet her love her.
She currently has had her DNA and allergy panel done.
DLC Paisley Ann Pie (Paisley)

Seasmoke Never in Amelia Years (Amelia)
Miss Amelia is a Blue Roan with tan. She is a a all american girl. Works hard on the farm and keeps all in quiet check. She will stand her ground if need be but won’t start an argument to save herself. She hates the car, loves to jump, has the heart to run yet she loves to be near and will tolerate just about anything you throw at her to do. She comes from an amazing line of both show and working parents.